Occasional Diarrhea: Home Solutions

The material provided below is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the diagnosis or treatment by a qualified healthcare professional. You should always seek medical advice before consuming any new medicines or supplements. Lactéol® products referenced on this website are not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

There’s a famous book on the topic of poop that reinforces the natural function of our bodies and how everybody does it. Not surprisingly, there has yet to be one written about the other side of the spectrum—those times when you’re going too much!

Luckily there are a few home solutions we can turn to for help in the area of occasional diarrhea.

Fight Occasional Diarrhea with Liquids

What goes up must come down—and what goes in must come out, that’s why the first step to remedying occasional diarrhea should be what you are drinking. When experiencing stool that’s a bit too soft, it’s important to stay hydrated. Your body can lose a lot of fluids when you have occasional diarrhea and remembering to drink plenty of liquids can help you avoid dehydration.¹ But that doesn’t mean you should drink just anything. The general consensus for what to drink when you have occasional diarrhea includes:

  • Clear sugar free liquids
  • No sugar added sports drinks
  • Steer clear of caffeinated, sugar added beverages or those with dairy²

Eat Right for Your Digestive System 

Food is probably the last thing you’re thinking about when experiencing occasional diarrhea, but odds are you’ll have to eat at some point, so be sure to choose foods that will complement your stomach’s mood. A good rule of thumb is to avoid anything spicy, fried or greasy and stick to bland options³ until your digestive system is on track.

Easy on the digestive system foods can include: 

  • Bananas 
  • Rice 
  • Plain toast 
  • Potatoes

It is also a good idea to take your time and wait 48 hours after the occasional diarrhea has subsided to resume normal eating habits.⁴

Try Postbiotics

When it comes to solutions it doesn’t get easier than postbiotic strains, like Lactobacillus LB, the active dietary ingredient in Lactéol® diarrhEaseTM which is naturally derived from gut-friendly bacteria of human origin that have a positive impact on health.

Lactobacillus LB is composed of nonliving organisms that promote a healthy functioning digestive system, while being gentle.* Lactobacillus LB has been shown to play an important role in restoring the delicate natural balance of micro-organisms found in our intestines.*

Lactobacillus LB helps to defend your gut to fight unfriendly bacteria to help relieve, restore and protect your gut.*
Incorporating the above tips can help you get back to your ‘regular’ self in no time—but nobody knows your body better than you, so if you feel your digestive upset might go beyond a minor case of occasional diarrhea you should consult your doctor.

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  1. Three ways to treat diarrhea. http://www.everydayhealth.com/digestive-health/diarrhea-treatment.aspx
  2. Three ways to treat diarrhea. http://www.everydayhealth.com/digestive-health/diarrhea-treatment.aspx
  3. Getting help for diarrhea. http://www.cancer.org/acs/groups/content/@editorial/documents/document/acspc-031606.pdf
  4. Home treatment of diarrhea.  http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/tc/diarrhea-age-12-and-older-home-treatment